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Salem Witch Trials Blog

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Jeff Page at he Salem Witch House

Salem Guided Tour

Book Your Tour Today! The TRUTH is scarier than the LEGENDS! The Salem Witch House Welcome to 1692 Salem, Massachusetts, a city steeped in enigmatic


Susannah Martin 1692 salem witch trials
1692 Salem Witch Trials

Susannah Martin and the Salem Witch Trials: History Revisited

During the 1692 Salem Witch Trials, over 200 people were accused, and 20 were convicted and executed on the charge of practicing witchcraft. Among those accused was Susannah Martin, whose story shows us much about life in the 17th century. Born in England and immigrating to Massachusetts, Susannah’s life changed when she was accused of being a witch. Her journey from an early settler to a person marked by suspicion tells a profound story of struggle and the impact of rumors in a small community.